Serving Coppell Texas

Shingle Damage Coppell TexasIf you live in or around Coppell Texas you know how bad the recent tornado and rain storms affected the area. Entire neighborhoods flattened by tornados and high winds.

Its times like these you turn to and count on your neghbors in or around Coppell for help even if its just clean drinking water, can make the difference in having a good post storm day and a terrible one. One of your neighbors is Texas Roof and Fence a local company out of Denton Texas that is licensed by the State of Texas. TRF is not one of these storm chasing roof companies that you will see invade your neighborhood preying on the people who have suffered most and will only offer cheap materials and a quick and shoddy job.

NO! Texas Roof and Fence believes in providing customers with top quality materials for underlayments and shingles to only using galvanized nails so that during the next storm the chances of your roof being ripped off by winds is much less severe.

Texas Roof and Fence is one of your neighbors and will be here to serve Coppell Texas during the sunshine and during the inclement weather. Be wary of contractors offering super cheap pricing or who claim they will cover your deductible these are sure signs you are dealing with someone who does NOT have your home our your best interests at heart.

We treat your home like it was ours ensuring the work is done right the first time. We are licensed contractors in the state of Texas and we believe in giving our customers the very best we have to offer.

Texas Roof And FenceServing Coppell Texas